Being flat chested I have never been quite so aware of my boobs as I have become as a mother. They grow, they hurt, they leak, they give your baby sustenance. So what have been my go to products for the care and keeping of all things boobs?
Soothies: I don’t know about other women but those first couple weeks of breastfeeding hurt like a MOTHER, ironic because now you are one. Soothies make it just a little it easier to deal. They quickly cool down while you feed your babe and give you some relief when you stick them on after you are done feeding. I survived on one pair but maybe having a couple would be best.
Lanisoh Nursing Pads: I specify Lanisoh because I have tried multiple other brands and have woken up many a time soaked in milk especially in those early days when I was particularly engorged or the days that you are just not quite in sync with your baby’s feeding schedule. This has never been the case with the Lanisoh Pads. I literally live in these bad boys.
Haakaa Pump: I have only recently discovered this pump and it has been amazing. I have the Medela automatic pump as well but I don’t find myself using it often because it throws my body out of sync. I start producing more than I need, and then I end up feeding Eloise the bottle I just pumped. The Haakaa works great because it is just one piece and you can use it easily without a bunch of accessories. Even better than that though, you can attach it to your other breast while you feed your little one and it catches anything that is leaking when you let down. PERFECT way of not wasting the milk that is going into your Lansioh pad lol. I have also considered just wringing the pad into a bottle but eh… not quite that desperate lol!
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