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Valentine’s Day Books for Toddlers

January 21, 2020

I love switching up our bookshelves during the holidays and seasons to entice reading with Eloise (and Penny too). It is fun to pull books out that we may not have read in a while and to reinforce a certain topic that is surrounding us. I particularly loved some of the books that we had out while I was pregnant. (Separate blog post on those soon.) I have listed below some of the books we have on our shelves currently regarding Valentine’s Day and the topic of love.

(I may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.)

Love Z

A really cute story about a robot looking for the meaning of love after coming across a message in a bottle.

Cranberry Valentine

Mr. Whiskers is on the search for his secret admirer when he starts to receive lots of valentines.

This Is Not A Valentine

Poses the question: “what IS a valentine, afterall?”

A Hug Is For Holding Me

Love Is

A sweet story about a girl who finds a duck that she loves and eventually has to let go of as the seasons change.

In My Heart

Explains a myriad of emotions throughout the pages. Great for discussing with tots about how they feel with each one.

Hug Machine

One of our earliest books. I adore this one. The little boy is a hub machine that goes around spreading hugs and kindness for anyone big or little.
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Plant a Kiss

Very easy to read but has a great moral and sparkly pages that give a little extra excitement to Eloise.

The Pink Umbrella

Amelia Bedelia’s First Valentine

Amelia Bedelia just takes me back to when I was a child, how could I resist? Plus it’s fun to explore puns with Eloise for the first time.

Lola Dutch I Love You So Much

Cutest Thing Ever

Guess what’s the cutest thing ever?

The Dreamer





Pregnancy with Penelope

January 21, 2020

Here I am on the other side of pregnancy with my second daughter, Penelope.

I loved being pregnant with both girls but it’s interesting how different each experience was.

Having a toddler running around it was much more difficult to squeeze in exercise with Penelope, while with Eloise I had continued a yoga routine about three times a week until she was born. That being said I was definitely running around and on my feet (lifting 25 pounds) constantly. The aches and pains started earlier the second time around but I also carried a bit smaller.

This was such a fun series to do. I think it’s almost time for an update!


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One of my babies is 12 weeks, about the size of our bubbles, also about the size of a lime. (We live in California our limes are on the larger side 😂.) The other of my babies, comparatively, is 138 weeks (39 weeks included). That’s a long way to go baby! Good thing they get the boot at about week 40 😳🤣. What week did your babes make it earth-side? #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #thebump #whattoexpect #AheadOfTheCurve #cute_pregnancy #pregnantandperfect #babybump #stylish_bump #expectful #pregnantchicken #mummyglow #officiallyexpecting #pregnancyootd #inspirepregnancy #inspirematernity #bestpreg #pregnancystyle #pregnantstyle #bumpenvy #pregnancyzone #maternity #12weeks #firsttrimester #bumpwatch #pregnantphotos #inspirepregnancy #scarymommy #littlesthelmsbumpdate

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When did you start showing with your babes? What about feeling movement? 14 weeks and baby is the size of a sweet peach. 🍑 Yes, our bubbles are -in fact- peaches. We are very talented bubble blowers. To be honest, I’m not sure what this is.. Baby? Bloat? Poor posture? Little one is healthy so far and measuring 5 days ahead and I get the occasional flutter, so I’m embracing it. For the record, with Eloise I think I didn’t start really showing til at least 18 weeks. (Ps Eloise’s weeks include 39 before she was born 😉) #theyarepeachesnotbums #werefineitsfine #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #pregnancyzone #stylish_bump #bestpreg #pregnantphotos #pregnancyootd #maternity #bumpwatch #pregnantandperfect #pregnantstyle #bumpdate #babyontheway #thebump #pregnancystyle #mummyglow #secondtrimester #bestpregnancyphotos #bumpday #expectful #bumpenvy #cute_pregnancy #pregnantchicken #inspirematernity #whattoexpect #babybump #AheadOfTheCurve #inspirepregnancy #14weekspregnant

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Tell me your words of wisdom for raising siblings. This week my older daughter turns 2 (and 39 weeks.) 😭🤗🥰 I have also been told that my younger daughter, (I can’t believe I have two!) is the size of an avocado. Well, that didn’t seem festive enough so we decided that avocados are about the same size as cupcakes… 🥳🧁🥑 How is that for addressing two siblings’ needs at once?😝 What’s your best advice for parenting two+ kids? I’ve heard to give most of the attention to the one that will remember, but I have no first hand experience, so give me your best. #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #bumpwatch #pregnancystyle #babybump #babyontheway #pregnantstyle #bestpregnancyphotos #pregnancyootd #AheadOfTheCurve #thebump #pregnantchicken #inspirepregnancy #stylish_bump #secondtrimester #bumpdate #maternity #mummyglow #inspirematernity #pregnantphotos #whattoexpect #cute_pregnancy #bumpday #pregnantandperfect #pregnancyzone #bumpenvy #bestpreg #expectful #girlmom #16 weeks

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I can’t believe we are halfway to meeting little sis! Those are some strange looking bubbles. 😂🍌 My bump might actually look smaller than it did in my 16 week photo. Funny how volatile those little guys are: one banana for breakfast and poof! everyone’s commenting on how HUGE you are. – I must have had a banana last month before taking my picture. 🤔 My favorite update this time is the bitty kicks Andrew started to be able to feel around 18 weeks. When did your favorite pregnancy milestones occur? #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #expectful #pregnantandperfect #bumpday #pregnancyootd #maternity #thebump #bestpregnancyphotos #pregnantchicken #bumpwatch #inspirematernity #whattoexpect #bumpenvy #pregnancystyle #babybump #stylish_bump #bestpreg #pregnantphotos #cute_pregnancy #inspirepregnancy #pregnancyzone #secondtrimester #AheadOfTheCurve #bumpdate #babyontheway #pregnantstyle #mummyglow #scarymommy #whpplayful

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24 weeks. 🍇 What is something you didn’t expect about pregnancy that you were surprised with? I feel like there is so much I forgot, (or blocked out 😂) from my first pregnancy. For me, even though I’ve done it before it still seems so surreal that I’m actually making a human. I can hardly believe my body grew Eloise at one point. Who knew us mamas were so good at DIY?! ps. As much as I love the movement milestone, I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief now that baby girl is in the viable stage. #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #pregnantandperfect #pregnancystyle #bumpenvy #bestpreg #thebump #inspirematernity #pregnantstyle #babybump #bumpdate #AheadOfTheCurve #24weeks #secondtrimester #pregnancyzone #pregnantphotos #bestpregnancyphotos #inspirepregnancy #babyontheway #cute_pregnancy #pregnancyootd #expectful #bumpwatch #24weekspregnant #stylish_bump #mummyglow #pregnantchicken #bumpday #maternity #whattoexpect

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26 weeks They say baby is the size of an acorn squash but this photo makes it look like she may have gotten smaller in the past two weeks. 🤔 That or I just had a smaller breakfast. I love how differently all women carry their babies and how it can change daily; (or hourly 😆) What was your experience like? Ps Stay tuned for new edits coming soon! #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #whattoexpect #expectful #pregnantandperfect #babybump #AheadOfTheCurve #thebump #pregnantstyle #bumpdate #babyontheway #pregnantchicken #secondtrimester #cute_pregnancy #pregnancyzone #bumpwatch #bumpenvy #pregnancyootd #maternity #stylish_bump #pregnancystyle #bestpreg #pregnantphotos #inspirematernity #bumpday #mummyglow #bestpregnancyphotos #inspirepregnancy #26weeks #26weekspregnant

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Ringing in 30 weeks with my 31st birthday! 🍍 What was most difficult for you during pregnancy? This time around I’ve started to feel uncomfortable sooner. (Perhaps baby girl is trying to tell me something about herself?) I can’t believe there are still 10 more weeks to grow! 🙈🤰🏽 And while I’m incredibly thankful for this body and the healthy baby in there, I’m really wishing I could have a celebratory drink tonight. 😬 (Side note: Yes, Eloise has learned to blow floating bubblegum bubbles ✨) #littlesthelmsbumpdate. . . . #pregnancyshoot #pregnancyzone #cutepregnancy #babybumplove #preggolife #thirdtrimester #AheadOfTheCurve #thebump #inspirematernity #babyinside #pregnantbelly #preggobelly #pregnantstyle #pregnantchicken #pregnantphotos #bumpenvy #babybump #bumpie #pregnantphoto #stylish_bump #pregnancystyle #cute_pregnancy #maternity #whattoexpect #bumpday #bumpdate #bestpreg #mommyandme #30weekspregnant

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32 weeks 🥥 Baby is the size of a coconut and getting just big enough to lift Eloise off her feet. 😬 When did you THINK your baby would arrive vs when did he or she actually make its debut? I’ve gone this whole pregnancy thinking this little one will come early; perhaps because my little sister was a preemie, (genetics play a small role here right?) Or because Eloise was 8 days early and I’ve heard subsequent children tend to arrive even sooner? All I really want is a healthy baby, but part of me can’t help but play the guessing game. #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #babybump #pregnancyshoot #babybumplove #pregnantphotos #thebump #preggers #pregnancyootd #mummyglow #bumpdate #pregnantphoto #bumpie #inspirepregnancy #preggolife #babyinside #pregnancystyle #pregnancyzone #bumpenvy #augustbaby2019 #pregnantstyle #stylish_bump #cutepregnancy #maternity #AheadOfTheCurve #cute_pregnancy #pregnantbelly #pregnantchicken #mommyandme #32weeks #thirdtrimester

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34 weeks 🍈 While baby girl is packing on the pounds, Eloise is having too much fun riding her floating cantaloupe-sized bubblegum bubbles. I’d love to meet your kiddos and learn about their names! 🍈What are their names? 🍈If you have more than one, did it matter to you that they matched well? 🍈How did you come up with what you chose? #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #mummyglow #bestpreg #cutepregnancy #pregnancyootd #bumpwatch #whattoexpect #bumpenvy #bumpie #bumpday #inspirepregnancy #bestpregnancyphotos #babyinside #pregnantchicken #babybump #pregnantstyle #pregnancystyle #AheadOfTheCurve #stylish_bump #bumpdate #babybumplove #maternity #pregnancyshoot #preggers #thebump #pregnantbelly #preggolife #expectful #34weekspregnant #thirdtrimester

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36 weeks 🍉 How long were your labors?! I’m so curious to see how quickly this one goes. With Eloise I had my first contraction at about midnight and she was born before 7 am. If this go around is anything like that, I am half anticipating having to drive Eloise to the hospital with me and helping her go potty in between contractions. 🤣😭 (Always parenting right? lol) What’s the consensus? It generally goes quicker in subsequent pregnancies right? 🙈 #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #maternity #bumpdate #bumpie #stylish_bump #pregnantphotos #expectful #pregnancystyle #babybumplove #preggobelly #pregnantbelly #whattoexpect #bumpwatch #pregnantandperfect #mummyglow #inspirematernity #pregnancyootd #36weekspregnant #cute_pregnancy #AheadOfTheCurve #bestpregnancyphotos #cutepregnancy #pregnantstyle #bestpreg #pregnancyshoot #thirdtrimester #pregnancyzone #inspirepregnancy

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38 weeks and I want to hear your birth stories! Were they quick? Slow? At home? Did an Uber driver deliver your baby? I’m feeling really ready to pop; not sure if it was like this last time around but my body can’t believe I still have two more weeks haha! 🙈 Eloise came 8 days early. My water broke around 11pm and I didn’t have my first contraction until after we got admitted into the hospital. I remember not wanting to make Andrew and my mom drive 45 minutes to the hospital because I was afraid they would tell me I’d just lost bladder control and send me home. After laboring for about 5 hours and pushing for maybe 30 minutes Eloise made her way earth-side around 6am. I still don’t really know what a mild contraction feels like so I’m feeling super in the dark about any progress I may have made (or lack thereof). I feel things, just can’t define them. 😆 I’m so curious to see what this baby’s story will be. Tell me yours! #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #pregnancystyle #pregnantbelly #expectful #pregnantandperfect #secondtrimester #stylish_bump #thebump #pregnantphoto #inspirepregnancy #bestpreg #maternity #whattoexpect #pregnantphotos #inspirematernity #preggolife #cutepregnancy #babybump #cute_pregnancy #bestpregnancyphotos #babyinside #bumpie #pregnancyootd #pregnantchicken #bumpenvy #bumpdate #thirdtrimester #38weekspregnant

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✨POP ✨ Every bubble gum bubble has to burst and this one has had its day in the sun. 🍬 What are biggest challenges you faced when bringing home a new babe? I am struggling to figure out how to take care of, and give attention to, a toddler with zero hands to spare. Also, I spent all of last night with one hand on Penelope, half awake, because I was concerned she may forget to breathe. I thought there was supposed to be some more confidence with baby no. 2 but I’m terrified something is going to happen to her. Let’s just say those circles under my eyes are real. Tell me your challenges and how you overcame them? #littlesthelmsbumpdate . . . #inspirematernity #cutestbabies #ministylekid #preggolife #newbaby #pregnantphotos #newborn #babeisoftheday #sleepingbaby #pregnantandperfect #cute_pregnancy #pregnancyshoot #bumpie #preggers #bestpregnancyphotos #prettybabygirl #pregnancyzone #ig_motherhood #babylife #bumpdate #newbornbabygirl #pregnantstyle #AheadOfTheCurve #babybumplove #maternity #41weeks #thirdtrimester #40weeks

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Our Top Ten Favorite Board Books

June 28, 2018
Books for Toddlers

They say every stage gets better with babies and it’s true! Eloise is learning so much these days; every day she’s showing us a new trick she’s figured out. She babbles so much I feel like it’s gotta be days before her vocabulary explodes. Perhaps if we read to her enough she will even learn to levitate items like Matilda or get early admittance to Hogwarts… I mean.. I’m still waiting for mine so maybe we could attend together. I am really curious though, when would you pin your babe learning to “talk”? #enchantingeloise • • • • • #runwildmychild #pocket_sweetness #uniteinmotherhood #throughachildseyes #thesearethedays #kids_of_our_world #documentingmotherhood #makeitblissful #thedarlingweekend #awanderfulchildhood #aheadofthecurve #takemyheartdear #humansofjoy #hurrayforplay #babiesdontkeep #kindredmemories #thesugarjar #celebratechildhood #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #snapgrowlove #joyfulmamas #bestofmom #ourwhimsicaldays #parenthood_unveiled #seekinspirecreate #fourteenmonthsold #make_more_magic

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I have compiled a list of Eloise’s all time favorite board books and the best board books I’ve found for toddlers thus far. We love each of these and I can basically read them by heart:

Ditty Bird OUR BEST INTERACTIVE CHILDREN’S SONGS BOOK for BABIES. Musical Toddler Book. Board Books for one year old. Educational Toys for 1 year old boy gifts. 1 year old girl gifts.

Ditty Bird Books: These are the new musical books of the future, small buttons help Eloise with her coordination and she loves turning the pages and singing and clapping along with the songs.

Cover Image

What a Wonderful World: The illustrations in this book are amazing! I wish Tim Hopgood had more board books he illustrated for. If you know of any please let me know! We love looking through the pages. I will ask Eloise where the bird is or the monkeys, clouds etc. She keeps getting better at pointing everything out.

Don’t Push the Button: This is just one of two of the Larry books we have and we read them on repeat. I love that the book makes children push the button, shake the books, roar, flap your arms etc. Eloise has memorized the motions and will “read” the book on her own. It’s the sweetest thing. I read this book over and over to her and it’s fun each time!

First 100 Words: This is a no brainer, we bring it on our road trips and if I am showing Eloise something I love to try to pull it up in the books to show her another example so she can make correlations between the two things.

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Hug Machine: This book really emphasizes hugs. It’s all about a little boy who loves to give hugs. It’s really sweet and has a lot of personality. I hope eventually it will inspire Eloise to give me all the hugs. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but a cute story, regardless.

Mrs. Peanuckle’s Alphabet: We have the flower, tree and veggie versions of this book and I feel like I learn a couple things about the various species from these books! Plus the art is beautiful, just look at the cover.

Hop On Pop: Honestly, I don’t know the appeal behind this one other than the fact that Dr. Seuss is clearly a genius. This book ends up in my lap at least once a day. Eloise walks around the house saying “bop bop bop” all day. So here it is on my list. It’s fun to read, Andrew turns it into some rap that now I can’t read it any way other than that. haha.

Baby Loves Science: These books are the best! I love incorporating a little science into our daily play. I hope that I can teach Eloise about these things as she grows up so she views them as fun instead of work. We have Aerospace Engineering, Quarks, Gravity, Thermodynamics, Coding and Quantum Physics. How cute.

Hello World: The illustrations in these are wonderful too. We have the Solar Systems, My Body, and Dinosaurs and I love the little factoids on each page. Eloise has learned to love Dinosaurs as a result as well as all of her body parts.

What are your favorite board books? I love getting recommendations to add to our library from other parents.

Lacey Laner Converts

April 14, 2018

I am always on the look out for the cutest clothes for Eloise. I tend to find myself loving timeless floral pieces with a bit of vintage flair and I have found the brand that speaks to my soul.

Lacey Lane‘s garments are just to die for. With the Peter Pan collars, the floral prints and stitching, the amazing quality of the materials, and the attention to all the tiny details they are on my top must have list. I literally can’t wait to place another order through the Lacey Lane site.

Not only am I in love with the garment we also got some amazing goodies in our box like their backpack and a few amazing hair pieces. The little thoughtful touch really went the extra mile for me.

“If I just step off of this ledge it’ll be fine cause you got my back, right mama?” Yes sweetheart, I’ll always be right there holding one hand. Even on your first date at 25. 🤭😜👯‍♀️ #imacoolmom #notahelicoptermom • • • • • #unitedinmotherhood #uniteinmotherhood #motherhoodsimplified #childofig #momswithcameras #littleandbrave #candidchildhood #ig_motherhood #thelifestylecollective #pixel_kids #aheadofthecurve #dailyparenting #mom_hub #motherhoodthroughinstagram #justbaby #babiesofinstagram #thesugarjar #momswithcameras #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #babiesofig #letthembelittle #bestofmom #UMH_kids #parenthood_unveiled #our_everyday_moments #thirteenmonthsold

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“Look what I can do mama!” (Proceeds to climb on everything and laughs at all my attempts to tell her we don’t stand on furniture.) My little wild animal. She’s pretty cautious, luckily, but seems to think she’s invincible when I’m watching her. Sometimes I feel like the safest thing I can do is pretend I’m not looking. What’s your experience on teaching kids what’s wrong or right when they think your cautions are funny? #whpwildthing • • • • • #unitedinmotherhood #uniteinmotherhood #motherhoodsimplified #childofig #momswithcameras #littleandbrave #candidchildhood #ig_motherhood #thelifestylecollective #pixel_kids #aheadofthecurve #dailyparenting #mom_hub #motherhoodthroughinstagram #justbaby #babiesofinstagram #thesugarjar #momswithcameras #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #babiesofig #letthembelittle #bestofmom #UMH_kids #parenthood_unveiled #our_everyday_moments #thirteenmonthsold

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This weather has been so lovely! We have been breaking out the sweetest summery pieces I have been eyeing so lustfully the past few weeks. (Lacey Lane converts over here 😍😍) I laugh looking at this set of photos because Eloise was giggling, doing her awkward baby “run”, and mischievously looking back at us to see how close she could get to the shiny cars on the street without us catching her. (Which is still quite far.) I may not be a speed deamon, but it’s going to be a while before you can outrun me, Missy! • • • • • #runwildmychild #unitedinmotherhood #uniteinmotherhood #throughachildseyes #thesearethedays #realmomtogs #documentingmotherhood #ig_motherhood #thedarlingweekend #awanderfulchildhood #aheadofthecurve #dailyparenting #mom_hub #hurrayforplay #babiesdontkeep #featuremama #thesugarjar #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #ohheymama #cutebebee #bestofmom #UMH_kids #parenthood_unveiled #our_everyday_moments #oneyearold

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You know how you go out in public and everyone (strangers) has some strange impulse to touch your fresh new baby… and it takes all your strength to just smile and hold your baby closer instead of smacking their hand👋🏼? Eloise can completely identify. #donttouchmybaby • • • • #unitedinmotherhood #uniteinmotherhood #motherhoodsimplified #childofig #momswithcameras #littleandbrave #candidchildhood #ig_motherhood #thelifestylecollective #pixel_kids #aheadofthecurve #dailyparenting #mom_hub #motherhoodthroughinstagram #justbaby #babiesofinstagram #thesugarjar #momswithcameras #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #babiesofig #letthembelittle #bestofmom #UMH_kids #parenthood_unveiled #our_everyday_moments #thirteenmonthsold

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We went to Disneyland this weekend and when I threw Eloise up for this photo I thought she just went straight up a few inches but I think this photo proves my eyes were deceiving me.✨ Disneyland has always been such a magical place for me. Even as I’ve grown I evolved from loving what looked like actual magic places to the love and care thoughtfully put into all the details. If you’ve been following along with my account you know how much I value imagination and all the places in can take you. I feel like these started for me as a young child. In partnership with @Disneyland we were able to make sure that Eloise got to go so young and the magic had evolved yet again. This time I get to see it through eyes and it’s the best way to experience Disneyland yet. One of my favorite things is always looking past the surface lying details for the hidden Mickey’s. Can you tell me any that I may not have found yet?! (Ps I have hidden one in this photo) #EnchantingEloise #whpimagination • Background image is courtesy Disney. • • • • • #unitedinmotherhood #uniteinmotherhood #motherhoodsimplified #childofig #momswithcameras #littleandbrave #candidchildhood #ig_motherhood #thelifestylecollective #pixel_kids #aheadofthecurve #dailyparenting #mom_hub #motherhoodthroughinstagram #justbaby #babiesofinstagram #thesugarjar #momswithcameras #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #babiesofig #letthembelittle #bestofmom #UMH_kids #parenthood_unveiled #our_everyday_moments #fourteenmonthsold

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Eloise Year 1

April 2, 2018

I know, I became absolutely horrible about keeping up with the months on my blog. Instagram, however, I made it all the way through the year so I wanted to share a quick round up of her monthly photos, now that she is nearing month 13 and I don’t have any plans for any floral photos. SAD DAY!

Should a scramble to do something today? Bah! Likely not gonna happen. I’ll have to think of a way to make up for it though.


What an honor it is to share your three month birthday, little one. The past few weeks have been amazing, watching your personality shine through. You are so loving and cuddly but perfectly content being on your own. You sleep through the night on special occasions and only wake up once on regular days. I have loved watching you watch your hands for hours, –there's some high quality entertainment for ya! You are getting close to rolling from your back to your stomach, are super talkative and getting better daily at using your hands. I even got to hear you full out giggle twice. Still waiting to get proof for everyone else though! Love you to the moon and back my sweet Eloise! 💞👶🏻🌸🌼🌿#littlesthelms #babybloomproject

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Holy seven months! I blab everyday about how wonderful you are and today is no exception. Here are some of your achievements this month: •Crawling around the house, pulling up on everything and helping me discover what I need to to baby proof. •Sleeping through the night on a regular basis, but I miss you so. •Feeding yourself, and feeding others; your pincer grasp is getting there! 👌🏼 •Playing ball. It’s your favorite, oh it makes you giggle nonstop each time. •Saying mama and dada; with or without meaning to, but it’s good enough for me 👍🏼 •Understanding "no" and actually listening to it… sometimes •Popping your first tooth. Good work! ✔️ •Being cute AF and refining your cuddling skills. You’ve had a busy month and have been working hard. I give you straight A’s sugar muffin #Eloisecandonowrong #humblebrag #littlesthelms #babybloomproject

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A congratulations is in order for you little Miss. You have made to nine months today, and have achieved substantially more than I ever have in that period of time, at least in the past 28 years. (I’m 29) This is the best age so far. Everyday a little more personality shines through and you zoom around the house a little faster. You wave at everyone and give them your huge toothy grin, while making really deep eye contact. You play the xylophone with the end of your hammer, you can put balls in holes, you figure out how things work and operate them, contemplating further about the mechanics of it all. You stand up and put your arms in the air so excited to be letting go even though you’re often still leaning against something a teensy bit. You’re climbing up on everything, you’ve become a pro traveler and have countless other achievements. So congratulations little one! You are an inspiration to me and I’ve never been happier. #babybloomproject #Eloiseonthegrow #WHPinspired

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10 month achievements: • Being cute AF • Standing for a few moments, walking basically, but being a bit cautious to do it without some back up (aka a finger to hold) • Knowing the hand motions to your favorite songs, clapping, opening and closing your hands etc. • Climbing the dog stairs to get on the bed – SKETCH • Using fingers to point out things like the fish or dog • Stacking blocks and reading books • Attempting to put on your own bows and comb your hair – a girl after my own heart. • Helping with chores like ironing, organizing the cupboards and vacuuming • Being super cooperative during your 10 month photo #10monthsold #babybloomproject #enchantingeloise Romper: @zarakidsofficial Onesie: @jamiekaystore Bow: @billy_bibs Shoes: @starryknightdesign

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Accomplishments this month: •Throwing my emotions off and proving me wrong that I don’t want you to grow up by being sweeter and more fun every month I know you •Calling everything “baby and mama” •Climbing up and down everything in your own •Perfecting your balance •Taking about six steps before closing your eyes and nose diving into our arms •Doing a head bob every time you get excited •Putting yourself to sleep •Recognizing facial features like nose and eyes and feeding others •Losing interest in toys and exploring everything else •Dancing en pointe and sailing the vast seas 🌊 You have us wrapped around your little fingers and I have never believed more strongly that I could have two soul mates. 💞#enchantingeloise #babymagicproject ——- • • • • • #runwildmychild #pocket_sweetness #uniteinmotherhood #throughachildseyes #thesearethedays #kids_of_our_world #documentingmotherhood #makeitblissful #thedarlingweekend #awanderfulchildhood #aheadofthecurve #takemyheartdear #humansofjoy #hurrayforplay #babiesdontkeep #kindredmemories #thesugarjar #celebratechildhood #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #snapgrowlove #joyfulmamas #bestofmom #ourwhimsicaldays #parenthood_unveiled #seekinspirecreate #elevenmonthsold

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Setting Boundaries for Children

March 7, 2018

I want to talk about the boundaries we draw for our children when it comes to exploring. I want Eloise to grow up to respect things around her. Conversely, my head always comes back to the adage of Sleeping Beauty: If the king had just let her know what a spindle was, she may have never pricked her finger because she wouldn’t have been so curious. I’d love to hear your two cents, where do YOU draw the line? Do you think you should teach them everything right off the bat? (ie we don’t pull things out of cupboards.) Or allow them a little harmless exploration? Or somewhere along the scale? How does teaching them one way or another affect their development? I want to know what you think! #keywordharmless #illeatyouupiloveyouso • #motherhoodthroughinstagram #unitedinmotherhood #uniteinmotherhood #throughachildseyes #thesearethedays #realmomtogs #documentingmotherhood #ig_motherhood #thedarlingweekend #awanderfulchildhood #aheadofthecurve #dailyparenting #mom_hub #hurrayforplay #babiesdontkeep #featuremama #thesugarjar #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #ohheymama #cutebebee #bestofmom #UMH_kids #parenthood_unveiled #our_everyday_moments #oneyearold #12monthsold

A post shared by Mom Lifestyle Blog • Naz Helms (@nazhelms) on

I want to talk about setting boundaries for children when it comes to exploring and where we draw the lines.

I want Eloise to grow up to respect things around her. Conversely, my head always comes back to the adage of Sleeping Beauty:
If the king had just let her know what a spindle was, she may have never pricked her finger because she wouldn’t have been so curious.
I’d love to hear your two cents, where do YOU draw the line? Do you think you should teach them everything right off the bat? (ie we don’t pull things out of cupboards.) Or allow them a little harmless exploration? Or somewhere along the scale? How does teaching them one way or another affect their development? I want to know what you think!

Yesterday I posted about setting boundaries to your little one’s safe exploration around the home and wanted to what I gathered from some of my favorite responses here:

ashemerson518  We allow lots of exploration (certain cabinets and drawers are ok, others are locked). With a 10 month old it’s still hard to convey why a No is sometimes necessary (like not eating dog food?), but I know it will get easier with time.

jenniferatkinson  I always let Aiden do harmless exploration, but if he could hurt himself I either put baby locks on the cupboard or told him NO when he got too close to something he could pull down or climb on. It gets easier! Usually we would only have to tell Aiden “no” a handful of times before he got the message. My nephews were a lot trickier though – they would constantly push boundaries. One time my sister-in-law saw one of them literally climbing the fridge. Like, scaling it ??‍♀️

hug_a_booboo Nothing teaches better than experience. But as parents, our first priority is to keep them safe. Too safe will handicap them so let them explore and learn, but always under the watchful distant eye if love.

brittsbabes I like to let them explore when they’re as little as Eloise, but obviously not if she can hurt herself… they are little sponges so they pick so much info up!!

ahelms Flexibility and boundaries are both equally important! I don’t have to say much…you’ve seen my parenting style plenty of times ? I will say, they understand more than you think, even though they can’t quite verbalize things yet! So I think creating boundaries and saying “no” or whatever version of “no” you want to use, is super important in raising a child that everyone will enjoy being around…you know what I mean…pretty sure we’ve talked about it.

karinamtz6 I believe it’s a matter of balance and just common sense. Letting them explore in their own terms but at the same time always keeping an eye to avoid any dangerous situation… At least that’s how I always do it with my students(10monthsold-2yolds) and that’s how I’m doing it with my boy (it’s a lot more difficult when it’s your own child tho?). I think we sometimes underestimate babies and their ability to learn things on their own, so Id say let them explore in a supervised way?

shastawho I try to divert her attention away from certain precarious things. Like, I don’t want her to open the cabinet that is full of ceramic plates, but I do want her to learn how to open cabinets and what they’re for…so she gets to open the cabinet with special “baby” things inside (kitchen towels, toys and pots and pans that I don’t care about!).
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beemarieeeeeeee doing a mixture of both. I think being adventurous is a great quality so I want to encourage that while being safe and keeping boundaries. We went to Hawaii when she was seven weeks old I was worried about the seven hour flight out San Francisco, but she was an angel. Just had to remind myself that despite having a new bundle of joy I couldn’t allow myself to lose my sense of adventure ?

larisa_cheban I definitely want them to explore, learn something new everyday but of course if I know it’s something that may hurt them I tell them to stay away!

davisjimenezfam I’m here for the comments because my little one is 5 months old and I’m sacred that I’ll be too *dont do that , don’t touch that* ? but at the same time I want her to explore and learn on her own you know?

_michelleawilliamsI too am very curious about this! I try to judge every situation based on if it’s dangerous/physically harmful. I try to keep a safe place for her to explore and not say “no” as much when she’s there!

laurenandbearsI’ve definitely learned to pick and choose my battles with Isla. If it’s really dangerous I stop her but if I tell her a piece of food is spicy or hot and she still grabs it and takes a bite, well, lesson learned for her. That being said I still have to say no and don’t do that dozens of times a day since Isla likes to test her limits

alifesetfreeI honestly think it’s a balance. And I think it changes with time. I used to be way uptight when my oldest was younger and am much more relaxed now. And I think its different per family ?‍♀️

themilkandmoscatoI want my daughter to learn that there are consequences to actions whether they be good or bad, but that she be the light in the world and to see things as good and positive, even in the world today. To hold her close enough, that if something truly harmful comes in her reach I can protect her, but letting her learn and understand the world around her. Such a tough question! But kind of learning as we go along… she’s definitely curious! {so scary!} lol

(note: let me know if you don’t want your response posted here and I will happily remove it! )





December 1, 2017

If you hadn’t heard me rave enough about the DockaTot I wanted to give an update including my experience with the DockaTot Grand.

The DockaTot Grand was gifted to us but all of the following opinions are my own.  The DockaTot Grand is good for babies and tots that are 9-36 months of age and is a co-sleeper or multi-functional lounger.

Dockatot New Collection Fairytale

Let me start off by saying we love our DockATots.

A little back story: The DockaTot Deluxe worked perfectly for us. Eloise slept in between us for the first few months of her life. We all slept really well together with one, occasionally two, feedings a night.

We eventually transitioned her to the Pack’nPlay in our room so that we could train her to sleep through the night before she became mobile. This too worked really well for us and she was often sleeping through the night without any mishaps.

Easy accessibility- The medicine is easily obtainable from any authorized medical pharmacy. levitra 20mg generika Stress and alcohol on a regular basis can cause Erectile Dysfunction free generic cialis and other urological complications. This initiates the flow of super cialis blood to the penis. Be on cialis line order a healthy, fiber rich diet and consume regular meals. 3. All of this changed when she started to crawl and pull up. I really believe that she would be thinking about it so much that she would start to crawl in her sleep and wake herself up, and I don’t need tell to you it’s much harder to cry yourself to sleep while standing than it is to cry yourself to sleep while laying down. Our night sleeps were broken and our naps were about 15 minutes, and they were mostly in my arms.

Enter the DockATot Grand. When it arrived I put it in the living room where I could be with Eloise in it and we could lounge in it. It’s so big that you better believe both Andrew and I have laid down in it, and hey! I could totally nap in there! It’s so cozy. I sleep surrounded by pillows anyway and the DockaTot provides a similar concept.

The first nap that I put her in the DockATot Grand lasted a full two hours. My guess is that it feels like she is still being held and she tosses and turns less. Additionally, this creates a more restful sleep environment. Every time I have put her down in the lounger her sleep seems to be longer and less interrupted.

Guys, I know it seems crazy but I swear these things have magic powers. If you haven’t already purchased a DockATot and you’re having sleep troubles I recommend checking them out now! And have sweet dreams. xx


How to Take Milk Bath Photos

October 12, 2017

Milk bath photos are easily one of my favorite things to do. It is super easy once you get into the grove of it, and for obvious reasons they are Instagram GOLD. People are always asking tips on how to do them and I figured I would write a quick post about my process of how to take milk bath photos so that you can add to the Instagram goodness.


Powdered milk

Fresh cut flowers

A bathtub, but hey a galvanized bucket etc. can absolutely do the trick!


  1. Run your bath water at the desired temperature. If you are working with a little babe and you want them to look like they are floating in the water, only fill the tub a couple inches and, of course, watch them to ensure they don’t roll over in the water. I know they can be squirmy little ones!
  2. Pour in a little of the powdered milk. I am not giving a specific amount because of course it varies how large your tub is and how much water you have used. Honestly, you don’t need much! The less you use now the more milk baths you can create (until you get sick of them! LOL).
    1. Note: I just want to point out that the milk comes second. If you do it first your bath might foam and that’s probably not the look you are going for.
    2. Another note: Some people say the milk smells? I personally haven’t noticed it in my experience but you can absolutely use some essential oils to spice it up for your little cherub (or yourself, cause hey, us mamas need milk baths too!)
  3. Cut up your flowers. This is the hard part. I think a lot of us have a hard time cutting up perfectly good flowers. I’ll tell you now that they just don’t quite look the same with the stems. This is what I always tell myself, say it with me: “The flowers in the pictures that I will take I will remember A LOT longer than those that I leave in our vase for a week.”
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    1. You can be creative here too, I have been thinking about doing a wintery photo or using citrus slices and palms, can’t tell you how they will turn out yet though.
  4. Put your babe in and shoot away.
  5. Crop and brighten. Not all of us are so lucky to have amazing bathtubs. I know, just ask Andrew, I keep asking him when we are going to get our oversized clawfoot tub ;-). You would be amazed what a little crop and brightening can do.

If your little one is anything like Eloise, they may try to stick all the flowers in their mouth. Just make sure you aren’t using anything poisonous haha and be quick. I know all of your running around after your cutie has been preparing you for this moment!

After you take your own milk bath photos let me know. I love seeing what you come up with!

No milk in this photo but still wanted to include it! haha

The Color Factory: For Babies

October 6, 2017

We went to The Color Factory in San Francisco on Tuesday. It was the perfect museum to take an infant to because the colors and lights are very stimulating even at a very young age. If you are looking for engaging activities to do that will keep both your infant as well as your baby’s I would definitely recommend checking it out.

Each of the rooms provided household items like to look at that you see on a day to day basis but all in that single color.

The color in many of the rooms was composed by lights or disco balls, or things like confetti or thousands of receipt paper selfies that you could pick up, scrunch and throw.

The ribbon room had thousands of ribbons hung in close proximity and I believe that Eloise’s new found mobility made it even more enjoyable for her to crawl through them, although they were so dense that even I bumped into a stranger when trying to navigate my way through… Whoops!

By far, however, Eloise’s favorite room was the ginormous ball pit. Not only did the yellow color have a happy vibe but our favorite game lately has been “throwing” a ball back and forth. What is better than hundreds of thousands of yellow balls?

We have our trip to the Museum of Ice Cream in a couple weeks. Stay tuned!
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Seven Months Old

October 4, 2017

Holy seven months! I blab everyday about how wonderful you are and today is no exception. Here are some of your achievements this month:
•Crawling around the house, pulling up on things and helping me discover things to baby proof.
•Sleeping through the night on a regular basis, but I miss you so.
•Feeding yourself, and feeding others; your pincer grasp is getting there! •Playing ball. It’s your favorite, oh it makes you giggle nonstop each time.
•Saying mama and dada; with or without meaning to, but it’s good enough for me
•Understanding “no” and actually listening to it… sometimes
•Being cute AF and refining your cuddling skills.
You’ve had a busy month and have been working hard. I give you straight A’s sugar muffin

Eloise has been making her way around the house. She has realized she is no longer confined to the foam mat in the living room and has been finding all sort of trouble to get into. It’s definitely worth it however, because I love watching the world through her eyes as she discovers things around the house.

Eloise had her first cold, which she recovered quickly from, I attribute it to nursing. She went apple picking and to the county fair. 

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