I always wanted to have a blog to document Eloise’s growth in lieu of a baby book but ended up using Instagram instead to document these things. I have decided to update the blog because as Eloise grows it is easier to have a LITTLE time to write on here too. So the months are back dated but it hasn’t been too long that I have forgotten a lot of the experiences and sensations. So here goes:
“Oh my! How have you been a part of our lives for one month, yet I can’t remember life without you? You are our wide eyed scientist, observing and learning so much every day. There is no greater joy than watching you explore, which is a talent you acquired as you grew out of your sleepy state. We love your eye contact, and while we get a kick out of your expressionless face, we are eager for you to grace us with your smile. Love you to the moon our sweet little Eloise Wesley. “
Our first month was so wonderful. Yes a challenge to go from 0 babies to 1 but we were so enamored that it was hard to be upset about the difficulty. The Dock a Tot definitely helped us figure out the sleep thing. Having both my mom and Andrew’s mom stay for a week made a huge difference. That first week I would wake up, feed Eloise and hand her off to my mom to change so I could spend a few minutes getting ready for the day.
We tried to keep our lifestyle as normal as possible, so were going out to picnics at wineries, and the beach within a week. I think this has helped Eloise stay content being on the go and honestly, helped us get through the day too.
Eloise has always loved being on her stomach and within the first week was accidentally rolling over to her back from pushing up on her arms.
Something that I heard a lot before Eloise was born is that a lot of parents say “Oh our baby hated the swing, or bouncy chair, etc.” I never really noticed this with Eloise, one moment she would be into something, the next she would be over it. I guess it is to be expected, how long can the same thing keep you entertained anyway?
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