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Two Months Old

August 17, 2017

“I blinked and two months flew by. What a treasure you are; our little fluffy haired smiler. You’re a great sleeper at night and have been rolling over since week one. You’re bearing weight on your feet and I swear you get more beautiful everyday. You bring me more joy and fulfillment than anything in the world. ✨”

Eloise started smiling for us within her second month and it was the best thing ever. It is still my favorite thing in the world. Every morning when she wakes up she looks around contently until she sees us and gives us the biggest smile ever. OHMYGAAHHH so heart melting!

She was sleeping wonderfully, waking up at most once a night and even then it was mild fussing. I would just pick her up, feed her and put her back in the DockaTot and she would doze off until an acceptable hour. We spent many hours with her on the couch just practicing core strength and napping.

Our biggest struggle was the witching hour –about 6-8pm. She would be particularly fussy and make it really difficult to prep and eat dinner etc. This was the time that Andrew would be getting home but she would still just want me specifically to hold her. He didn’t get to see the bright side of her until after that 8pm time. She would have an hour of being back to normal before bedtime.

There were also quite a few times where she threw up everything in her stomach. I would attempt to catch her puke in my hand, which is what I have always done with Sophie. It is much easier to wash your hands than trying to clean up all the bed sheets etc. but she obviously consumes much more than Sophie does so I would just end up with a dirty hand and having to clean everything anyway. This is why she is naked in her carseat a few pictures down. (Don’t worry we were only a few minutes from home.)

The Easter rain may have ruined our outfit plans but it sure is making our garden green!

So excited to rediscover our planet Earth through our baby girl’s eyes. -Starting with it’s beaches, of course. ✨Happy Earth Day everyone!

Our ceiling isn’t short, my husband is just really tall, like our little babe. I love watching them together.

Sweet happy Eloise

My little dolly with her little dollies. -I’m so excited to play make-believe with her. ✨

Baby doll, how I love you so.

My, how quickly you’ve grown, little girl. Time surely is a thief, but if it’s possible, I love you more each day than I did the last.