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Our Top Ten Favorite Board Books

June 28, 2018
Books for Toddlers

They say every stage gets better with babies and it’s true! Eloise is learning so much these days; every day she’s showing us a new trick she’s figured out. She babbles so much I feel like it’s gotta be days before her vocabulary explodes. Perhaps if we read to her enough she will even learn to levitate items like Matilda or get early admittance to Hogwarts… I mean.. I’m still waiting for mine so maybe we could attend together. I am really curious though, when would you pin your babe learning to “talk”? #enchantingeloise • • • • • #runwildmychild #pocket_sweetness #uniteinmotherhood #throughachildseyes #thesearethedays #kids_of_our_world #documentingmotherhood #makeitblissful #thedarlingweekend #awanderfulchildhood #aheadofthecurve #takemyheartdear #humansofjoy #hurrayforplay #babiesdontkeep #kindredmemories #thesugarjar #celebratechildhood #motherhoodunplugged #inspiremothers #snapgrowlove #joyfulmamas #bestofmom #ourwhimsicaldays #parenthood_unveiled #seekinspirecreate #fourteenmonthsold #make_more_magic

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I have compiled a list of Eloise’s all time favorite board books and the best board books I’ve found for toddlers thus far. We love each of these and I can basically read them by heart:

Ditty Bird OUR BEST INTERACTIVE CHILDREN’S SONGS BOOK for BABIES. Musical Toddler Book. Board Books for one year old. Educational Toys for 1 year old boy gifts. 1 year old girl gifts.

Ditty Bird Books: These are the new musical books of the future, small buttons help Eloise with her coordination and she loves turning the pages and singing and clapping along with the songs.

Cover Image

What a Wonderful World: The illustrations in this book are amazing! I wish Tim Hopgood had more board books he illustrated for. If you know of any please let me know! We love looking through the pages. I will ask Eloise where the bird is or the monkeys, clouds etc. She keeps getting better at pointing everything out.

Don’t Push the Button: This is just one of two of the Larry books we have and we read them on repeat. I love that the book makes children push the button, shake the books, roar, flap your arms etc. Eloise has memorized the motions and will “read” the book on her own. It’s the sweetest thing. I read this book over and over to her and it’s fun each time!

First 100 Words: This is a no brainer, we bring it on our road trips and if I am showing Eloise something I love to try to pull it up in the books to show her another example so she can make correlations between the two things.

Hug Machine: This book really emphasizes hugs. It’s all about a little boy who loves to give hugs. It’s really sweet and has a lot of personality. I hope eventually it will inspire Eloise to give me all the hugs. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but a cute story, regardless.

Mrs. Peanuckle’s Alphabet: We have the flower, tree and veggie versions of this book and I feel like I learn a couple things about the various species from these books! Plus the art is beautiful, just look at the cover.

Hop On Pop: Honestly, I don’t know the appeal behind this one other than the fact that Dr. Seuss is clearly a genius. This book ends up in my lap at least once a day. Eloise walks around the house saying “bop bop bop” all day. So here it is on my list. It’s fun to read, Andrew turns it into some rap that now I can’t read it any way other than that. haha.

Baby Loves Science: These books are the best! I love incorporating a little science into our daily play. I hope that I can teach Eloise about these things as she grows up so she views them as fun instead of work. We have Aerospace Engineering, Quarks, Gravity, Thermodynamics, Coding and Quantum Physics. How cute.

Hello World: The illustrations in these are wonderful too. We have the Solar Systems, My Body, and Dinosaurs and I love the little factoids on each page. Eloise has learned to love Dinosaurs as a result as well as all of her body parts.

What are your favorite board books? I love getting recommendations to add to our library from other parents.


Learning to Crawl: The Struggle is Real

September 12, 2017

Eloise is on the move… well not technically but she is really yearning to crawl.

I’ve been so preoccupied writing month posts from memory that I haven’t had the opportunity to write about what is CURRENTLY going on for us.

Perhaps all babies are like this but Eloise certainly isn’t happy with sitting in one place and just observing. This is particularly because she has hit the mark where she realizes that we can walk away and she can’t follow us.

The biggest problem with this is that she starts blubbering and crying out of frustration thus I end up helping her up which prevents her from learning for herself.

Something I have noticed is that she knows all the bones to sitting up but hasn’t actually done it yet. She can get on all fours from her belly, she can push back from all fours, and she can go from sitting over to a crawling position and end up on her belly. What she doesn’t know is how to tie them all together. I’m guessing it’s just a matter of days before this clicks for her.

Moreover, she can rock on all fours and move her hands forward and back but usually ends up sitting or on her belly.

Every one says she will, of course, learn this in her own time and not to force it too much. However, being that she is our first child and our attention is not yet divided, I love to watch her succeed and can’t help but urge her on.

One of the tips I came across to helping babies learn to move into a sitting position is sitting on the ground with them over your thigh, baby on his or her knees. Then slowly lifting your leg up so they end up moving back onto their bums. I think it helped Eloise explore her body being in new positions she may not have been able to get to on her own at that point in her mobility. 

Three Months Old

September 9, 2017

“What an honor it is to share your three month birthday, little one. The past few weeks have been amazing, watching your personality shine through. You are so loving and cuddly but perfectly content being on your own. You sleep through the night on special occasions and only wake up once on regular days. I have loved watching you watch your hands for hours, –there’s some high quality entertainment for ya! You are getting close to rolling from your back to your stomach, are super talkative and getting better daily at using your hands. I even got to hear you full out giggle twice. Still waiting to get proof for everyone else though! Love you to the moon and back my sweet Eloise!”

Three months was the best. It was about the time that she stopped being a little blob and started being so much more aware of her surroundings. Eloise started to lose hair on the sides on her head and we had no idea what color it was going to grow out to be. Actually we still don’t REALLY know….

Eloise decided not to take a pacifier, despite what it may seem like in the pictures below. I did try really hard to get her to take it though! Maybe for baby #2.

Two Months Old

August 17, 2017

“I blinked and two months flew by. What a treasure you are; our little fluffy haired smiler. You’re a great sleeper at night and have been rolling over since week one. You’re bearing weight on your feet and I swear you get more beautiful everyday. You bring me more joy and fulfillment than anything in the world. ✨

Eloise started smiling for us within her second month and it was the best thing ever. It is still my favorite thing in the world. Every morning when she wakes up she looks around contently until she sees us and gives us the biggest smile ever. OHMYGAAHHH so heart melting!

She was sleeping wonderfully, waking up at most once a night and even then it was mild fussing. I would just pick her up, feed her and put her back in the DockaTot and she would doze off until an acceptable hour. We spent many hours with her on the couch just practicing core strength and napping.

Our biggest struggle was the witching hour –about 6-8pm. She would be particularly fussy and make it really difficult to prep and eat dinner etc. This was the time that Andrew would be getting home but she would still just want me specifically to hold her. He didn’t get to see the bright side of her until after that 8pm time. She would have an hour of being back to normal before bedtime.

There were also quite a few times where she threw up everything in her stomach. I would attempt to catch her puke in my hand, which is what I have always done with Sophie. It is much easier to wash your hands than trying to clean up all the bed sheets etc. but she obviously consumes much more than Sophie does so I would just end up with a dirty hand and having to clean everything anyway. This is why she is naked in her carseat a few pictures down. (Don’t worry we were only a few minutes from home.)

The Easter rain may have ruined our outfit plans but it sure is making our garden green!

So excited to rediscover our planet Earth through our baby girl’s eyes. -Starting with it’s beaches, of course. ✨Happy Earth Day everyone!

Our ceiling isn’t short, my husband is just really tall, like our little babe. I love watching them together.

Sweet happy Eloise

My little dolly with her little dollies. -I’m so excited to play make-believe with her. ✨

Baby doll, how I love you so.

My, how quickly you’ve grown, little girl. Time surely is a thief, but if it’s possible, I love you more each day than I did the last.

Eloise Wesley’s Birth Story

June 29, 2017

I have sat on this for far too long considering I love asking others for their own birth story. So here goes ours:

I loved being pregnant but most mamas might agree that as your due date approaches, naturally, you can’t help but get excited and anticipate meeting your fully baked babe. As for encouraging labor to start, I wasn’t willing to try castor oil unless she was past the due date but I did try a lot of things that seemed more natural to me. It’s not unnatural to walk, drink tea or eat copious amounts of pineapple right?

I knew that she would come when she was ready so with my doctor’s reassurance that it wouldn’t work unless my body and the babe were ready for it, I had my membrane stripped twice. Once at 38 weeks and once right before 39 weeks. Now I haven’t personally tested the theory enough to say it works, just the one time, but it was about 12 hours after the second stripping that my water broke.

I am very lucky. I can’t say my labor was easy, (I doubt anyone would label their labor as easy,) but I can imagine that it could be, and is, a lot worse for others.

But, back to the story: it was around 11pm that Andrew and I had finally gotten in bed and I felt a small gush like you might if you were on your period. Knowing it couldn’t possibly be the case I took off to the bathroom and sat on the toilet where my water emptied. I remember calling Andrew, while shaking due to excitement and nerves, and asking him if he had heard “that”. I had read that when your water breaks it is different than urinating because you can’t control it, but I genuinely felt like I was able to stop it. -I hadn’t even made a mess.

We called the doctor and explained what happened and she said it seemed like my water broke and I should probably head over the the hospital. I had always planned to labor at home as long as possible. This was to ensure I was in my element and so that we wouldn’t be in the hospital any longer than we had to be. I know I had been 3 cm dilated that morning but I had no contractions so I still wasn’t convinced.

I was concerned that we were going to drive the 30 minutes to the hospital and I was going to get sent home because I had just lost bladder control (which has never happened to me). So while my mom and Andrew frantically packed up the car I did the natural thing and curled my hair (LOL) to prolong the “at home” part as long as I could. We shortly thereafter hopped in the car and I told Andrew, “Hopefully the entire labor is this easy”

At the hospital, we walked to five different locked doors before finally entering through the ER where we told the security guard I MIGHT be in labor. At Labor and Delivery we filled out the necessary paperwork and got to a room where they told me to get changed. I asked if they wanted to check me first to see if I was even in labor or if I was just some crazy person who just peed her pants and was making a big to-do out of it.

As soon as I put on the gown and sat on the bed I felt another gush. I leaned over and, though I couldn’t see it due to the belly, Andrew and the nurse laughed because what must have been left of my amniotic fluid had just emptied onto the bed. While the nurse hooked me up to the monitors I remember saying I wanted to hold off on any pain meds as long as possible. That was when the first real contraction hit and I amended my statement to “Oh my God, unless that’s a contraction….” After it went away I laughed at how intense it was.

Contractions began to come on longer and stronger, as they do. I was making my poor mother and Andrew put pressure on different parts of my body every couple minutes as I suffered through them (their poor wrists). I had the most intense pain in my right inner thigh, oddly.  They both kept telling me to breath and finally I burst out “Stop telling me to breathe! I have my own rhythm to breathe at.” I remember laughing in between each one and apologizing profusely to everyone who came in the room for being so crazy.

Worth mentioning: I had brought everything to the hospital that is recommended, foam roller, essential oils, yoga mat, the works, and never actually got any of it out of the car.

I have, for the longest time, had a MAJOR needle phobia. Even really thinking about it makes me tear up, or did before having a baby. Before pregnancy I’d take Valium every time I had to get a shot and I would still bring my mom to every appointment and wail like a baby… I know, don’t judge me. When I got my blood drawn during pregnancy I’d have to be held down as I would insist that: I’ll come back another day just please let’s not do this today! After being done I’d be in this weird state of simultaneously crying, laughing and apologizing because I KNOW it’s completely irrational. Bah! 

I was convinced through my pregnancy that I would avoid having an epidural because,

a. I knew I could do it on my own and

b. Needles, obviously

.. but these contraction things were starting to get so bad that I was getting nauseated. I guess I have never had pain THAT bad because it was something I hadn’t experienced before. At around 4 am I asked the nurse when she expected transition to occur and she told me her guess was 3pm. 3 PM?! I was already exhausted because it was way past my bedtime and instead of sleeping I was now going through the worst pain of my life, but 11 more hours of this? No way I could handle that. I just made a decision. No more pain.

As terrified as I was of the epidural if I was going to get one, might as well not have to experience another bloody contraction. AMIRITE? I held so still it’s a miracle I wasn’t already on some hospital grade sedative. I was tearing up that I let myself down and didn’t do what I had intended. As soon as it kicked in however, I got enough relief that I took a twenty minute nap and now have a newfound opinion on epidurals. Andrew keeps saying, he was looking at the chart and my contractions were coming in so quickly and immensely he was amazed that I was sleeping through them. He knew it couldn’t be much longer.

Sure enough, the nap only lasted twenty minutes because the nurse came in and said it was time to push. Hm if I had known that maybe I wouldn’t have gotten that epidural. Then again, I was also laughing and joking with everyone in the room as I was pushing so I am sure that would have been a different scenario without the pain relief.

“I see a head full of hair” The nurse had said,

“Red??” Andrew asked hopefully, but alas no, he could see it for himself. It’s a surprise they couldn’t see one of her chubby cheeks first 😉

They asked if I wanted a mirror and I said yes of course. I love seeing that stuff.

The way people talk about it I always thought there was two ends to the bed: The head side, and the baby side. This is wrong, by the time you are curled up in a ball pushing out the baby if you’re in the room you’re in the thick of it. In the past I was a private person, but as they say, all of that truly goes out the window as soon as there is a baby involved.

Eloise Wesley our cooperative happy little baby was born 6:57 am March 3rd 2017 measuring 20.5″  8lbs 6oz. Apparently this is a “big” baby because they kept taking her blood sugar. I just kept asking everyone to PLEASE stop calling my little baby BIG. Oh well I guess a tall daddy equals a tall baby.



Instagram Worthy Baby Brands On Amazon: Baby Registry

January 7, 2017

While looking for toys and products to furnish our little one’s room I wanted to be able to curate a list of products that would fit the bill of being safe and useful for our wee babe and also be cute, unique and of course “Instagram worthy”.  However, all of the cutest boutiques typically charge a shipping rate, naturally, I don’t blame them and it makes complete sense to me. That being said, it is hard for me to pay shipping rates, ever. – For that extra $7-$15 I could buy another toy/bow/etc. and what if the product isn’t up to snuff or exactly what you expected?

I set up my main baby registry on Amazon because a Prime membership really allows you to order without the concern of, “will I really like this?” There are other brands I have found to love and will write a separate post for those soon!

Pehr Designs – Adorable canvas bins for toys, laundry storage, as well as crib sheets, changing pad covers and amazing mobiles that are drool-worthy for mommas and babies.

Ali & Oli – I got some black wooden eyelashes for above the crib from these guys, they are well made and add another dimension other than simply putting art on the walls you can find them here.

JellyCat – The softest stuffed animals and lovies. Simple enough.

Finn + Emma – Wooden teething toys, carseat toys, play gyms, the most adorable little rattles, of course clothing.

Natursutten – Alright I’m a FTM (first time mom) so I don’t personally have experience with these pacifiers but they are BPA Free, natural rubber and have rave reviews. Looking forward to trying them out for myself; or at least having baby try them, not sure that I can gauge the quality of how awesome a pacifier is to suck on by sticking it in my own mouth.

Little Unicorn – This was the first baby brand I found. I actually saw this blanket on Anthropologie’s site first and became enamored. I am an Anthro girl through and through but to avoid the price mark up, Amazon is a great place. I will include more about them and where to buy in my post that isn’t limited to Amazon too but wanted to mention them here. Their products are wonderful, especially the deluxe muslin. I have a few bibs, swaddles, a towel, the blanket (duh) etc. and can’t wait for them to release more prints.

Design Dua – These baskets have a great story, I love that I will be able to take it with us wherever we go, camping, hotel rooms, mom’s house etc. and she will always get to sleep in her regular bed (at least in my ideal vision without knowing what our baby’s personality will be like). Not to mention they are adorable and add aesthetic to any room. I also know that after baby is too big to sleep in it, it will still make for a fun toy, a boat, place to put toys etc.

Rylee & Cru – I am in love with the styles of their cute little bonnets and bloomers. Particularly the pixie and popcorn styles. While I don’t actually have any in my possession yet I will soon and can update with the texture and fit.

BlaBla Kids – I have a couple of their crib sheets and they work perfectly on our mattress, they are soft, cute and they have amazing dolls that I am coveting too!

L’ovedbaby – These organic onesies and clothing items are so soft and wonderful quality. They do run a little small so I would size up. 

Niteo – Again, soft, organic and oh so cozy onesies and socks.

Manhattan Toy – Colorful and engaging toys, we have the winkle rattle and the wooden balls for our little bub

Freshly Picked – The most adorable gender neutral moccasins for your little one that won’t fall off their feet and add some flare to any outfit. All my friends rave about these, and say how much better they are than any knock-offs they have tried. If you opt for a neutral color they’ll go with every outfit, making them definitely worth the price.

I will keep adding more brands as I come across them! Are there any I missed and should look into myself?

Thirty Weeks Pregnant

January 1, 2017

I can’t believe I am already thirty weeks pregnant. 3/4 of the way down, only 68 more days to go – give or take. CRAZY!

I have been so lucky during this pregnancy, no complications, minimal symptoms, just a growing belly with a healthy kicking baby that loves to move around. I hope I’m not jinxing myself, I hear the worst is yet to come; whether it’s those final few weeks, labor, or postpartum. –I can’t imagine not loving having this little girl in our arms though! I’ll take whatever is coming my way, sleepless nights, soreness, hormonal changes etc. bring it on. As long as she is healthy and happy, (and hopefully a good sleeper 😉 ).

We are getting close to finishing the nursery and just need the final touches, will have more details in another post on that soon!

OH and let’s add clumsiness to the list of symptoms at thirty weeks. I have been tripping, spilling and have even slipped and completely wiped out on my butt in the past week. Working on making sure I’m always holding on to the railing at this point to avoid anything more disastrous.

On a final note, Happy New Year everyone!

Third Trimester: 28 Weeks Pregnant

December 18, 2016

Holy Moly, we are in the third trimester at 28 weeks. I can’t decide if it feels like I’ve been pregnant forever, or if it’s been speeding by. All I know is that I find myself battling between enjoying this time and counting the days until our little babe is here.

We went to mammoth with our family this week, last time we went most of the snow had melted so it was wonderful to get to see it as a winter wonderland this time around. Of course, I stayed inside for most of the time since I am banned from snowboarding. (Alright I admit even if I was allowed I probably would have skipped it). Instead I got to fulfill my baby fever by watching my sweet niece and our little girl’s future best friend, Avery, who is 2.5 months old.

Third Trimester – Symptoms:

  • Sore ribs: Ugh, I know it’s minor but my ribs, particularly on my right side are completely bruised.
  • Nesting: Definitely nesting, I just want to make the house perfect. However, since we just moved in May, there is a lot left to do and on one income, at least for now, it makes it really hard not to spend money on the extra things. These include art and decor, toys for our wee one and other items that would help with convenience but we are obviously surviving without. – Just gotta wait for those sales!
  • Sleeplessness: I guess I should just take it in stride, (and just get used to it already) but every night I wake up for a few hours and can’t fall asleep/get comfortable. Seems like it’s normal with all the changes happening, I literally have to throw my belly side to side to flip over in the bed.

I’ll add to the list if I think of anything else, but this is all that comes to mind right now.

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Grand Canyon Road Trip

November 27, 2016
Antelope Canyon

Over the Thanksgiving holiday we decided to take some time to check off another bucket list item before this little girl gets here. We opted to do a “Grand Canyon road trip” through Southern Utah and Northern Arizona to see a few of the national sights on our way to San Diego, where we ultimately celebrated Thanksgiving with Andrew’s side of the family.

We had a lot we wanted to see and covered a lot of ground in a very short amount of time. I’m sure we would have loved to add a few more stops but being preggo and it being cold outside is slightly limiting as far as intensity of activities and flexibility to camp where-ever. May not be such a great idea to camp in the snow on a deflated air mattress while lugging around those extra lbs on your belly. Don’t ask, but I will say, getting in and out of an air mattress that isn’t completely firm is near impossible while expecting. – If I may though, I have to give myself credit for being ok camping and sitting in a car for 2000+ miles considering the circumstances.

The ride was well worth it. Here are the stops we made:

Death Valley: Our first stop was in Death Valley. Here we stayed at Stovepipe Wells a first-come first-serve campground with a solo bar and general store. We arrived as the sun was going down and got to see an amazing light show by way of the infinite stars and when we left in the morning got to walk out through the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. 

Zion National Park: Our first day here we were able to do a couple hikes through the park and overnight it started to storm. On our way out, due to the flash flooding, we were in for a treat because the entire national park turns into a bed of a million waterfalls. – Anywhere you can imagine water pouring, there is. It was quite incredible. I am just sorry I don’t have any good images capturing the beauty of it.

Antelope Canyon: It was actually quite pricy to get in here, about $46 per person, which to me is a lot for what lasted about 30 minutes. The land formations are unlike any other though, and I don’t regret splurging to have checked it off our list. Our guide was really informative and, due to the rain, which miraculously let up as soon as we got inside, the crowds had dispersed leaving us to take some really wonderful pictures without interruption.

Horseshoe Bend: Horseshoe bend was one of the most beautiful places. We were standing on top of the cliffs and it simply didn’t look real. The photo where I am sitting on the ledge I remember thinking, and it took a moment to realize how small and vulnerable we are in this huge and incredible world.

Monument Valley: Monument Valley closes around 4:30 in the wintertime so I would definitely recommend looking into that before you go. We got there at 4:31 and after a little shameless begging, somehow, convinced the lady at the gate to let us in. We had currently been watching WestWorld which made us appreciate the amazing monuments even more.

Grand Canyon: BRR! We got up early for some sunrise pictures, froze our fingers and noses and didn’t even get anything worthy – you won’t see any of the pictures we took here. However, it was definitely awe inspiring to actually be there overlooking the landscape as the sun woke up.

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It’s a girl!

October 30, 2016
it's a girl, gender reveal

I had moved up my anatomy scan appointment from 21 weeks to 18 weeks because I just couldn’t wait any longer and, believe it or not, it’s a girl!

Or so they say… I am still a little hesitant to commit to the idea for sure, just because I wanted it, and I know there is a chance, albeit small, but nonetheless a chance they may be wrong. However, we (my mother, Andrew and I) were all in the room and there was nothing there between those legs, except for an umbilical cord; they show you the fluid going through it to differentiate to avoid any confusion. Additionally, there was no mistaking the three lines that indicate girl parts.

Andrew’s first words: “You really know how to get what you want”. I guess we had a 50/50 chance of getting a girl even if Shettle’s Theory didn’t work for us. You can read about my prediction using nub theory here.

I’m so excited to finally be able to place a gender to this growing nugget though! Let the shopping begin!

By the way, we got to reveal to everyone on Halloween in our awesome, yet simple, unicorn outfits; Andrew was super into it, haha just kidding, but what a trooper. 🙂



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It's a girl ultrasound