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Seven Months Old

October 4, 2017

Holy seven months! I blab everyday about how wonderful you are and today is no exception. Here are some of your achievements this month:
•Crawling around the house, pulling up on things and helping me discover things to baby proof.
•Sleeping through the night on a regular basis, but I miss you so.
•Feeding yourself, and feeding others; your pincer grasp is getting there! •Playing ball. It’s your favorite, oh it makes you giggle nonstop each time.
•Saying mama and dada; with or without meaning to, but it’s good enough for me
•Understanding “no” and actually listening to it… sometimes
•Being cute AF and refining your cuddling skills.
You’ve had a busy month and have been working hard. I give you straight A’s sugar muffin

Eloise has been making her way around the house. She has realized she is no longer confined to the foam mat in the living room and has been finding all sort of trouble to get into. It’s definitely worth it however, because I love watching the world through her eyes as she discovers things around the house.

Eloise had her first cold, which she recovered quickly from, I attribute it to nursing. She went apple picking and to the county fair. 


Learning to Crawl: The Struggle is Real

September 12, 2017

Eloise is on the move… well not technically but she is really yearning to crawl.

I’ve been so preoccupied writing month posts from memory that I haven’t had the opportunity to write about what is CURRENTLY going on for us.

Perhaps all babies are like this but Eloise certainly isn’t happy with sitting in one place and just observing. This is particularly because she has hit the mark where she realizes that we can walk away and she can’t follow us.

The biggest problem with this is that she starts blubbering and crying out of frustration thus I end up helping her up which prevents her from learning for herself.

Something I have noticed is that she knows all the bones to sitting up but hasn’t actually done it yet. She can get on all fours from her belly, she can push back from all fours, and she can go from sitting over to a crawling position and end up on her belly. What she doesn’t know is how to tie them all together. I’m guessing it’s just a matter of days before this clicks for her.

Moreover, she can rock on all fours and move her hands forward and back but usually ends up sitting or on her belly.

Every one says she will, of course, learn this in her own time and not to force it too much. However, being that she is our first child and our attention is not yet divided, I love to watch her succeed and can’t help but urge her on.

One of the tips I came across to helping babies learn to move into a sitting position is sitting on the ground with them over your thigh, baby on his or her knees. Then slowly lifting your leg up so they end up moving back onto their bums. I think it helped Eloise explore her body being in new positions she may not have been able to get to on her own at that point in her mobility.