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monthly update

Five Months Old

September 12, 2017

What a easy going happy baby you are. This was literally the first picture I took and it embodies who you are perfectly. You are a great traveler. You have pretty much mastered sitting and rolling every way and you are starting to scoot around. You’re never quite where I put you down.
You have been experimenting with all kinds of food and are soaking in everything like a cute little sponge. (Who knew you could describe a sponge as cute?) How lucky I am to be your mama. Simply saying “I love you” is an understatement. 

By five months Eloise started to eat all sorts of food since her four month check up. She got her passport for our upcoming trip, went into Lake Tahoe for the first time, and we spent two evenings apart but she was a champ for Grandma! She has been sucking her toes and giggling more and more.

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Processed with VSCO with e3 preset

Processed with VSCO with e3 preset

Processed with VSCO with e3 preset

Processed with VSCO with e3 preset

Four Months Old

September 12, 2017

Four months young! Your personality is starting to shine. You’re a serious, curious little girl who is always contemplating something. Luckily you are willing to share your smiles with us. You are very loquacious, you’re mastering your roll and are practicing your sitting skills. You got a blister toe from all your bouncing this month and are getting good at soothing yourself to sleep. I couldn’t have asked for anything more my little one.

In her fourth month Eloise went camping for the first time. Thanks to the Dock-a-Tot I’m confident she slept better than anyone there. She got to spend long days on the beach and started bouncing in her Jump-a-roo. She started to be more aware of her surrounding and was really taking everything in. She started rolling both ways and sitting up with a little help. Here are some pictures because it was in the past and you forget WAY too quickly:




Three Months Old

September 9, 2017

“What an honor it is to share your three month birthday, little one. The past few weeks have been amazing, watching your personality shine through. You are so loving and cuddly but perfectly content being on your own. You sleep through the night on special occasions and only wake up once on regular days. I have loved watching you watch your hands for hours, –there’s some high quality entertainment for ya! You are getting close to rolling from your back to your stomach, are super talkative and getting better daily at using your hands. I even got to hear you full out giggle twice. Still waiting to get proof for everyone else though! Love you to the moon and back my sweet Eloise!”

Three months was the best. It was about the time that she stopped being a little blob and started being so much more aware of her surroundings. Eloise started to lose hair on the sides on her head and we had no idea what color it was going to grow out to be. Actually we still don’t REALLY know….

Eloise decided not to take a pacifier, despite what it may seem like in the pictures below. I did try really hard to get her to take it though! Maybe for baby #2.