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Third Trimester: 28 Weeks Pregnant

December 18, 2016

Holy Moly, we are in the third trimester at 28 weeks. I can’t decide if it feels like I’ve been pregnant forever, or if it’s been speeding by. All I know is that I find myself battling between enjoying this time and counting the days until our little babe is here.

We went to mammoth with our family this week, last time we went most of the snow had melted so it was wonderful to get to see it as a winter wonderland this time around. Of course, I stayed inside for most of the time since I am banned from snowboarding. (Alright I admit even if I was allowed I probably would have skipped it). Instead I got to fulfill my baby fever by watching my sweet niece and our little girl’s future best friend, Avery, who is 2.5 months old.

Third Trimester – Symptoms:

  • Sore ribs: Ugh, I know it’s minor but my ribs, particularly on my right side are completely bruised.
  • Nesting: Definitely nesting, I just want to make the house perfect. However, since we just moved in May, there is a lot left to do and on one income, at least for now, it makes it really hard not to spend money on the extra things. These include art and decor, toys for our wee one and other items that would help with convenience but we are obviously surviving without. – Just gotta wait for those sales!
  • Sleeplessness: I guess I should just take it in stride, (and just get used to it already) but every night I wake up for a few hours and can’t fall asleep/get comfortable. Seems like it’s normal with all the changes happening, I literally have to throw my belly side to side to flip over in the bed.

I’ll add to the list if I think of anything else, but this is all that comes to mind right now.

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Nub Theory

October 5, 2016
Nub Theory Girl

Before I got pregnant I had read that nub theory is one of the ways that doctors can predict gender at week 12 without a 3D ultrasound. Most doctors, however, won’t comment at this point because it isn’t 100% accurate, closer to 94%, from what I have read. At our nuchal translucency test I specifically asked for a picture that showed the nub and have been excruciatingly analyzing it ever since.

I openly admit that I went into this pregnancy hoping for a girl. While I will love all of my children no matter what (I feel like this should go without saying) I have always pictured my first child as a daughter and have felt like this was a fact  I have known my whole life. I realize this is crazy and I would consider myself a scientific person, you can’t dream your child into existence, but I knew how disappointed I would be if I never got the girl that I have dreamed my whole life for. Additionally, I knew that having that girl first would take any pressure off of our subsequent children because, of course I would love to have a son too. All of this being said, we used Shettle’s Method when trying for a baby and hence my reason for spending hours scouring all of Google for the secret clues in our ultrasound.

Here is a post that I wrote for a forum for what I have learned and how I came to my conclusion that based off of this theory we are having a girl:

“I initially read the obvious, the angle from the lower back:

Greater than 30 degrees = boy
Parallel or less = girl
Then, after curiosity got the best of me, I posted here and immediately got the three boy responses above which threw me through a loop. Why, if my nub looks so parallel, am I getting the opposite guess? I started learning about forks and stacking.
Stacking, from my understanding, is the small line(s) above the nub that indicate the beginning of a scrotum, some people say they look like stones being stacked. (Again, please correct me if I’m wrong.)
Forks are where it the nub seems to split at the end and don’t necessarily mean one gender or the other, though this is where the confusion comes in for me about whether my nub was “stacked” or “forked”.
Some of the most useful information I found, however, is that the lines on an ultrasound show something is round. That being said, if you color in the shape of the nub and the line you draw across the top (not the bottom of what you have colored in), can indicate the angle that is being used to determine the gender.
Below is a second image, only slightly different. I have drawn the lines and colored in the nub to double check that it doesn’t actually go up (and then moved what I colored in out of the way so you can actually see what’s under it, hence the odd green phallic shape lol.)
Anyway! If anyone is more knowledgable I’d love to hear because, believe it or not, I may have exhausted Google’s extent on nub stacks vs forks! >.<“
Maybe this will help someone else but I couldn’t find information written out in this manner anywhere on the internet. You can find the entire forum post here.
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Five Weeks Pregnant

July 6, 2016
Five Weeks Pregnant

I apologize for the fuzziness of these pictures, I promise to work on taking better ones. Not much change between the last couple weeks. At five weeks pregnant I am still having minimal symptoms. Occasionally I get the feeling that I can relate most to being hungover.

I always thought that I would have horrible morning sickness because apparently it ailed my mother immensely when she was pregnant with me and my sister, however, I did read that boys cause less morning sickness than girls, but it only really makes the difference by about a percentage or so. How many people didn’t suffer morning sickness with girls and did with their boys?

We have begun to tell our closest family members as we see them in person. It becomes easier each time we reveal it to someone else, one less person to hide in front of (Andrew no longer has to drink both of our drinks) and open up to.



Four Weeks Pregnant

July 1, 2016

I have a major fear of not getting my regular body back after this process, which I realize is totally worth it; (and it should be noted that I’m not saying I have the most amazing body but…) Anyway, here is proof of what I need to at least get back to at four weeks pregnant – granted I am suffering from major bloat, or at least that’s my excuse. Now you can all keep me on point and tell me to go work out or something. 🙂

I haven’t had many symptoms yet except for slight cramping tugging and pulling in my lower abdomen, and the aforementioned bloating. It was actually the first thing I felt, even before taking a pregnancy test that made me think this was it.

I have had some incredibly mild nausea after eating big meal but nothing that can’t be resolved by laying down for a little bit. So far so lucky!